He struck chords that reverberated in every human breast . By Bo Grønbech
Last entries in the diary 1875
Andersen: what was he like ?
By Elias Bredsdorff
Bachelor goes a-wooing . By Lise Sørensen
The emperor's different clothes
By Erik Dal
What a pity that Arnerica lies so far away from here . By Erik Haugaard
A great journalist who never wanted to be a journalist. By Jens Kruuse

Travelling by train. By Hans Christian Andersen
Godfather could tell stories, cut out pictures and draw
By Jan Zibrandtsen
H. C. Andersen's House . By Niels Oxenvad
Dates in the life of Hans Christian
Andersen. Special issue of DANISH JOURNAL commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen's death on August 4, 1875. "The Danish Jounal" is a magazine about Denmark, published by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Christiansborg, DK-1218 Copenhagen K. Editors : Anders Georg, Head of the Press and Cultural Relations Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ole Kjær Madsen and Jørgen V. Larsen. Material contained in Danish Jounal does not necessarily reflect the opinions, official policy, approach or attitude of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
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