Bogen "Picturesque America" er
foræret til H.C. Andersen sammen med
200 $
af amerikanske børn.

Boston scenes Brev 20 juni 1874 fra New York
I U.S.A. havde folk
i 1874 fået den fejlagtige
opfattelse, at Andersen på sin gamle
dage var meget fattig og derfor
modtog H.C. Andersen flere breve fra
den amerikanske ungdom med
indsamlede penge til hans underhold.
Dette var en situation som Andersen
ikke selv brød sig om.
New Jersey 20. juni 1874
have cut this article
from the "New York
Tribune" to send to you
thinking it will
pleasure to know you
have true and grateful
friends here. Please
accept this dollar also
and please use it for
something you need. I
have long thought I
would write to you and
thank you for pleausure
you have given me. Every
time I read your stories
I find something new to
admire. They are as
frure and fresh as only
a real poet's can be.
Papa says that I am
seventeen to day, that
the dollar is my...................."
Brevet til Hans
Christian Andersen er
fra den amerikanske pige
Abigail Tompkins og
dateret den 20. juni
1874 Newark, New
Jersey. Med brevet er
med sendt et udklip fra
"New York Tribune". Se
nedenfor. |

"The Childrens Debt.
A few weeks ago there was a cable
dispateh to the effect that Hans
Andersen, the Danish poet, lay dying;
whereupon all literary journalists
prepared to write skectc of his life,
or in som fitting way do honor to th
good old man, and a shade of gloom
passed into every household in which
there had been children to teach the
older people to love him.
the obituaries were unwritten and
tears unshed, for the next steamer
brought word that the immediate
danger was over, and the old poet,
although an invalid, had, it was
hoped, several years of life yet
Udklip fra "New York Tribune"
Lars Bjørnsten Odense |