Odense, the third-largest city in Denmark, and the
city of birth of word-fameous author and writer Hans
Christian Andersen, is taking part in the EXPO 2010
World Exhibition.
was selected, among many other cities, because of
our major commitment to cycling, which is an
important aspect of urban life and is a sustainable
and eco-friendly way for people to get about in the
Kilder: Hovedparten af teksten er set på plancher på
EXPO2010 i Shanghai. Foto: Lars Bjørnsten Odense
September 2010
Spinning Wheels.
city of Odense.
Denmark |
"What one can invent"
Title of a Hans Christian Andersen
fairy tale from 1869 |
"Now it was time for
work" From
Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale "Two
Maidens" 1853 |
"The once was a
merchant so wealthy that he could have
paved a whole street with silver, and
still have had enough left to pave a
little alley too" From Hans Christian
Andersen fairy tale "The flying trunk"
1839 |

"Come health and long
life for the thousands...", "Its quite
true!" Title og Hans Christian
Andersens fairy tale from 1852 |
City Design
Urban planning is of
great importance when modelling a
liveable, clean and accessible city.
Odense is a centre for modern mobility
planning, which combines quality and
function. We continuously test new and
intelligent traffic solutions to
promote bicycle use and strengthen the
bicycle culture.
Think city design
The first Bicycle path
in Denmark was constructed in the city
of Odense more than 100 years ago
Odense was more bicycle paths
and lanes per inhabitant than any
other city in the world all have
different purposes.
- high speed lanes to
and from work
- Safe routes to our
- Scenic paths to main
- Shortcuts through
downtown areas
- And many more.... |
sees oneself reborn in the dear
children - all that happiness now
awaits them" From Hans Christian
Andersen in a private letter 1836 |
Spinning Wheels
Choose |
Bikes for everybody!
Customized bicycles are our
specialty and guarantee that everybody
can ride a bike, electric bicycles,
recumbent bicycles, and specially
constructed three-wheeled bikes are
found i our city, along with the
traditional bicycles.
This optimizes mobility and
improves health for all residents.
Bikes for everybody!
Go Further
In Odense we aim for
sustainability, and our traffic
policies integrate the bicycle at the
same level as other means of
transportation, such as the car.
Bicycles and public transportation are
combined wherever possible, and new
traffic concepts are continuously
developed. |
Live. A nation of
winners. "The wind was so strong that
he had to struggle to keep his feet on
the ground". From Hans Christian
Andersens fairy tale "The Ugly
Duckling" 1843 |
Odense has fostered
many professional cyclists:
- The Odense legend,
Thorvals Ellegaard, won 925
professional cycling races around
the world during his professional
career. This lasted from 1895 to
1926, an impressive 31 active years
in professional cycling.
- Peder Pedersen
held the world record in 1000 m
sprintning competitions and
participated in the 1964,1968, and
1972 olympic games.
- Odense's
professional cyclist Alex Rasmussen
and Casper Jorgensen won silver
medals in the cycling competitions
at Beijing 2008 summer olympics
The most famous
danish professional cyclist is Bjarne
Riis. He won the 1996 Tour de France,
and has since managed several
successful danish Tour de France
teams. |
and chinese research shows that by
choosing the bicycle instead of the
car, you can prolong your life
Riding a bicycle shows
responsibility towards your health and
is an acitve way to prevent many
lifestyles diseases. |
The university of
southern Denmark, located in Odense,
is renowned for its research in
bicycles, health and lifestyle disease.
The university cooperates with
researchers worldwide, host
international conferences, and
attracts students from all over the
world |
Teaching our
children good traffic habits is an
investment for the future.
Children devolop
balance before strength.
To ride
training-bikes, that have no pedals,
makes it much safer to start riding a
real bicycle later on.
at work |
"come health and long
life for the thousands..." Hans
christian Andersen in the Dryaden.
A fairy tale written
whem the poet Hans Christian Andersen
visited the Paris world EXPO 1867 |
Odenses udstilling med
store ruder. I baggrunden ses byen
Shanghais udstilling. Der var
indrettet som et hus med lejligheder a
la kinesisk stil. |
Facaden på
udstillingen, med masser af
cykelstativer, men ingen cykler. Da
man ikke kunne medtage cykler på EXPO
området i Shanghai. |
Ved indgangen til
Odense pavillonen bliver man modtaget
af "stempelmanden" vistnok eneste
ansatte kineser på Odense
udstillingen. Desuden ses det gyldne
Solhovedet, som kan ses mange steder i
Odense og en plakat med H.C. Andersen
og dansk tekst samt overskrift på
kinesisk. I baggrunden ses højhuse,
der rummer en del af Shanghai
befolkning. Dem der har råd til at
betale for en sådan lejlighed. |
Guiderne på Odense
udstillingen har haft en temadag, hvor
besøgende kunne lave papirklip a la
H.C. Andersen , |
Her ses et smukt
klippet papirklip med "solhoved" i
grønt papir udført af en kineser
En plakat opslået ved indgangen til
Odense udstillingen på EXPO 2010
City of Odense,
Denmark. Reviving the bicycle.
Shanghai EXPO 2010. World Car Free Day
Shanghai September 22 nd 2010
10.00 - 13.00 . Join
the Odense staff at the Cool Bike Ride
from Nanjing Road to Cool Docks
17.00 -22.30. Join
the party at Odense pavillion incl.
DJ, bike show and live music. |
At den 22 sept. 2010 skulle være
verdens bilfri dag kunne ikke ses i
Shanghai! Bilfrie
dage. Nej det oplevede vi ikke i
Shanghai. Overalt masser af biler,
broer , veje. Store og små huse og
millioner af mennesker. Dejligt at
komme hjem til "landsbyen" Odense igen
forskellige cykeltyper var udstillet
på Odense - udstillingen på EXPO 2010
i Shanghai |
Use your Head!
Cool danish helmet
design expresses individual, and makes
it possible to combine safety and
style. Wearing a helmet has become a
conscious choice among danish cyclists.
De enlightened!
In Denmark, lights on
bicycles - also in the daytime - are
common and have reduced accidents
involving cyclists by 32%, magnetic
light are an example of danish
innovation and functional design.
They are always on,
and function without batteries or
"...The lights
twinkled like hundreds of stars"
From Hans Christian
Andersen's fairytale "The little
Mermaid", 1837
- Think ahead!
- Choose now!
- Live longer!

"They admired the
place and its garden, but when they
heard the nightingale they said, "That
is the best of all!"" From Hans
Christian Andersens fairy tale the
Nightingale, 1844. |